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Knowing is half the battle

When you see something, read about something, or even get it explained to you, there's nothing like experiencing it. Recently I went through a deep lost. Deception and lies can take its toll. It brought me down to the point of wanting to quit this music and everything else. In life you can choose to be bitter or be better. So I figured since I am willing to quit anyway I might as well use that I don't care attitude towards living out my life to see what would happen. Though the heart still hurts from the betrayal, I decided to work even harder and train harder.

Since then I paid off my car, got caught up on some bills and even made new music and designed new cd cases along with digital cards. I work two jobs now that allows me to pursue my passion even further. There are several projects along the way. It is very liberating to know that perception and keeping the mind occupied to avoid the heart from overthinking allows for a positive outlook. In conclusion if not for God giving me insight I would have lost my mind, literally. To those that are reading this, it's OK to break down however just don't stay that way too long. There are those that need you and though life may seem so unfair and cold, just know that as long as there is breath in you, there is fight in you as well.


Keep Flowing Shadow Al

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